Battle Of The Tenaru

File created: 2009-10-31 18:39


The Grid-----> > > > > THE GREATEST GENERATION < < <

Theatre is : Guadalcanal

Coordinates : 10 13

This is a true tropical jungle. Life is all about you - vines coiling around hardy trees, snakes slither through the thick undergrowth, birds of paradise chatter from the branches up on high. But in truth this is no paradise. Dim even during the day due to the thick growth, seemingly wet and stiflingly humid all the time, disease ridden mosquitoes swarm to suck the blood of human intruders to this very foreign land.

Woods is helping digdig along then. Woods is humming, and frowns as he hits a root. Whappawhappawhapp— WHUNK. "Geez…"

Grayling loiters in the trench near the back, looking thoroughly miserable. A faint but omnipresent smell lingers about him, and that, combined with the pale and sickly look might give a clue as to the Horrible Affliction which poor Grayling happens to be suffering from at the moment. Still, he can stand, he can shoot, he can die. Ready for duty!

It's just after midnight on a muggy night. The everyday din of the jungle is the only sound other than that of the soldiers as they stand their posts along the front.

Yahzee sets down his trench shovel, taking a seat to have a break under the respite of the coolness of a night without the overbearing heat of the sun.

Jenkins keeps working at it, pausing only to lob a hand sized stone a foot or two nearer the airfield. He digs his chipped entrenching tool into some soft ground a moment to wipe his sweaty brow with his conveniantly bandaged hand.

Kappedal has been going about his usual duties. Helping the Marines dig for the most part, stopping when someone cries out in pain to see to their lacerations and ant-chewed flesh and raging fevers.

Shoot. His shovel is stuck in the root he's been grappling with. Woods gruuuuuuuuunts and leans back. FWANK! His shovel comes free and he falls over backwards. He oofs and glares at it. Flora… FLORA! He shakes a fish at it. He pauses, noticing Grayling. Or rather the smell first. He tries to hide his reaction. "Hey buddy," A smile. Woods is friendly at least.

Grayling leans against the wall of the trench, clutching at his guts as a stab of pain lances through him. "Oh, fuck…" he mutters, and grunts and whimpers a bit pathetically. The attack seems to pass, though, and he lets out a sigh of relief. "I hate this god awful island." he observes with feeling, and peers out into the green. Japs, everywhere.

Jenkins takes the opportunity to look out over the sand bar. "All quiet." He mutters, looking further south. "Even down there." He goes back to his digging, then appears to tire and looks up again. "What the?" He mouths. "You guys see anything?"

Vouza staggers out of the treeline on the opposite side of the river, a lone native wearing just a loincloth. He weaves erratically as he slowly makes his way across a sandbar connecting the two sides of the river here near the river's mouth.

Yahzee pulls out a C-rats tin, opening it to sniff at the undistinguished contents. With a wrinkled nose forming a frown, he uses his knife to spear chunks of anonymouse meat to lift to his mouth and eat.

Kappedal shoots Grayling a sympathetic look. They're seeing a lot more of that these days. But if your fever's under 103 and you're standing, you're kicked out of the aid station. He shakes his head to Jenkins, crouching down in the mud to check his kit for the tenth time today.

"If you mean mosquitoes and mud, then yeah." Grayling replies diffidently. "If you mean Tojo, then no. Good.". He gets out his e-tool and digs with a distinct lack of vigor.

Woods gives Grayling a sympathetic look too. Want some water or anything?" He asks quietly. He peers to the north now. "

Yahzee squints for a moment, "Hey" spoken over to the others in the squad. "See someone. Over there." as he sets the rations tin down and draws up his rifle. "Looks like an islander" nodding his head east as he points the rifle that way.

Jenkins has his rifle pointed at the uncomming native before he convinces himself that the single swaying man isn't an assualt. "Please tell me I'm not seeing things." He mutters before speaking up. " Well I see one man, looks pretty beat up, could be Tojo but I can't see a helmet." A pause as he lowers his gun. "I'm not even sure if he can make it over here."

Vouza stumbles and falls, making a splash in the shallow water across the sandbar. He drags himself back to his feet with great effort and keeps walking.

"What?" Kappedal lifts his chin, looking at Jenkins and then squinting into the fading light past the trench lip. Standing up, he moves to the edge of the trench. "Anyone following him?"

Yahzee shouts, "HEY, MAN ON BEACH. WHO GOES THERE?".

Woods looks to the east, and squints. "He does look kind of beat up," Woods seems concerned, momentarily distracted from Grayling and his misery. "I don't see anyone after him," The green-eyed man adds. "If you go though, I'll go with you."

Yahzee calls out in English, though doesn't look certain the target might understand the language.

Jenkins hadn't considered that. He takes the opportunity to peer behind the man. "Not that I can see." A pause. "Right, here we go then." He takes a deep breath and starts to climb out of the trench. "Could be one of those coast watcher guys, civilian likely as not." This apparently by way of explaining why he's exposing himself to goodness knwos what.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins moves out of Front Line Trench.

Grayling peers at the guy wandering around out there clutching a machete with disinterest. Really, right now he's rather short on charity. He shakes his head wordless when Woods offers him water, and stops digging until this little incident is over.

Vouza half-lifts a hand in response to the call, but doesn't answer back. He continues to walk slowly toward the American lines, almost stumbling again before he manages to catch himself.

Yahzee keeps his rifle up, covering the approaching man. There's a squint to try to make out as much as he can in the darkness. "He waved or somethin, looked like."

Woods blinks, squinting. Woods shakes his head. His eyes go wide as Jenkins climbs out. "Hey wait," He murmurs and follows. "Don't go out there alone." He nods at Grayling in passing, and follows Jenkins now. "He's probably friendly if he's coming to us," Woods considers.

«Ground Combat» Woods moves out of Slit Trench.


"I see him," Kappedal whispers. The naval corpsman lets his shoulder drop back behind the trench lip, pulling his medical bag open and pulling some of his supplies up to the top, getting ready to receive injured.

Jenkins yells in english just to make himself a prime target and begins creeping onto the the beach, giving a passing nod to Yahzee. "Keep us safe Injun." Grin.

Vouza doesn't actually have a machete. Must've been a trick of the moonlight. He can barely raise his arm, let alone carry a sword.

Yahzee nods back, "Coverin" as he keeps his rifle levelled pointing east. "Man does look hurt."

Woods is quietly inching towards the native. Alas, poor Woods has a soft spot for the natives here and is a friendly git. He looks really concerned, realizing the native doesn't even have a machete. They ALWAYS have those. He motions to Jenkins that he's ready to move.

Austin looks towards the east, frowning as he watches the people out there, keeping silent for now.

Vouza is going very slowly still, across the sandbar. When Woods and Jenkins get closer, they can see his whole chest is covered in blood, and his arm. He's bruised, battered, stabbed in multiple places - including a scary gash across his throat. Seeing the Americans, he manages to gasp. "Nips come. Come soon."

Jenkins creeps up to Vouza, with caution. "We're here to help ok- Japs?" He whispers, taking a moment to peer behind the man's back. "I think it's safe to help him." he comments, circling round to take the injured man's left arm.

Woods is moving along, quietly as he can. Woods is holding his Reising steady. He smiles weakly at the man, then his eyes go wide, "Jacob…" He remembers the man and rushes over. He blinks at the news now, "Oh…" Oh damn. And a throat wound. Noooo, no Flag Native. He offers his left arm for support, keeping the right for his Reising. "C'mon, we've got to tell them and get you over there, you'll come with us," He whispers.

Jenkins decides he should have just let Woods do the talking. With that in mind he takes an arm and half carries Vouza back the way they came.

Kappedal can see Woods and Jenkins trying to help the man back. He grabs the edge of the trench and, keeping his head very low, pulls himself up onto the muddy ground, ready to grab for the injured man.

Vouza gives a grateful nod for the help, still on his feet by some miracle after the wounds that should by all rights have killed him. "Clemens. Must tell Clemens." His voice is worse for the wear given the throat wound. He makes it the rest of the way over the sandbar with their help.

Yahzee mutters, "He said somethin." and then adds, "Be careful. Japs could be usin' him. Like a decoy."

Woods smiles at Vouza. "You'll make it," He promises quietly helping the man over the sandbar. He nods to Jenkins and walks alongside the other man.

Yahzee keeps his rifle pointing east towards the sandbar as the man's brought near to the trench.

Kappedal looks over his shoulder and down at Yahzee. "Think?" He grimaces. "Have to take the chance. He looks terrible."

Austin keeps his attention out there, while hands move to keep the rifle ready for the moment. "If so, we'll take them out," he offers.

Grayling watches the proceedings with a slight headshake. And thinks dark thoughts. Bah. Some beat up native gets all the tender loving care, poor Grayling? He gets to stand on the line with churning guts.

Yahzee draws in a breath as Jenkins arrives, the Navajo radioman still with his rifle lined east covering Woods.

Kappedal has pulled himself mostly out of the trench so he can reach up for the injured man, eyes flickering east past the trio once. "Come on, over here."

Jenkins isn't doing much of the heavy lifting but he's supporting Vouza silently, Woods can do all the comforting muttering, "Clemen's is the flag guy right?" He asks conversationaly as he hands Vouza over to Kappedal. "There you go Benji, better hurry though. He says Japs are coming." That off his chest he practically dives for the nearest trench.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins moves into Front Line Trench.

Woods follows along, bringing up the rear. He'll help Vouza as he can, supporting the man. He looks /really/ worried. "Clemens is British," He whispers to Jenkins. "You'll be alright," He promises Vouza with a smile. He LIKES Flag Native. Gotta respect anyone who can make a british flag look good as attire!

Austin looks out there again, frowning as he watches the emptiness for now.

Yahzee hrmphs. "Still don't see any nips comin. I can radio the report back to HQ."

Grayling slides the barrel of his rifle over the parapet of the trench at hearing the J word, and peers into the dark over comforting iron sights. "We get all the luck here alright!".

Vouza allows himself to be led along to the American lines, nodding to Woods. "Must tell… Nip positions." There don't seem to be any Japanese right on his tail, anyway.

Kappedal's attention is less on Japs behind them than getting everyone into a trench of some sort. "Let's get him back to the Jeeps. Someone can find Christie."

Yahzee slides the radio set off his back to flick some switches and power it up from the batteries. "I can call it in. If they're right behind him, sooner the better."

Jenkins shrugs. "That's the man, the one that came up with the flag thing." He lifts his rifle again. "Right, I suppose we better ask him how long it'll take them to get here." He says helpfully not trying to do anything like that himself.

«Radio» Yahzee radios, HQ CQ CQ. Devil Dog Red reporting.

Woods murmurs softly, "Good idea. But not too much, your throat is hurt." Nod. He just wants to hug the poor guy about now. His buddies are all getting shot. Woods has to wonder if he's just bum luck. He'll help lower Vouza into the trench, for now. At least until a jeep gets here. "C'mon, let's not sit in the open," He smiles to the native, although it's apparent the short man is worried, looking between him and Jenkins.

«Radio» <HQ radios> Devil Dog Red, HQ. Go ahead.

Austin keeps a quiet lookout for now, looking down to his Garand for a few moments, making sure it's fully loaded.

Kappedal slides back down into the muddy, amoeba-soaked trench mud, reaching up hands to help Vouza down into the pit of muck.

«Ground Combat» Kappedal moves into Slit Trench.

«Ground Combat» Vouza moves into Slit Trench.

«Ground Combat» Woods moves into Slit Trench.

«Radio» Yahzee radios, Contact made with local. Wounded, need medic evac. Name unknown, asking for Clemens. Says has info on Jap positions.

Someone is enjoying a close personal relationship with the amoebas.

Vouza takes the hand down and promptly collapses into the muck, breathing hard. He remains conscious, face taut with pain. Just waiting.

Nothin says I Love You like a dysenteric cyst.

Jenkins is happily in the safety of the trench by now. Apparently he's not bothered by the bleeding man stumbling into the trench system nearby. A couple of sniffs and he steps away from Grayling, giving him a sidelong glance as he does so.

Yahzee has made contact with the headquarters via the field radio, reporting information now and listening for a response.

Woods climbs in after Vouza and Jenkins. He looks to the native, "Jacob." He nods and remembers. Right? Woods is not enjoying a close personal relationship with the amoebas because he feels they come from the wrong side of the tracks and are a bad influence. He'll do his best to hold Vouza out of the muck as best as he can. Although, Woods isn't really that tall or super strong. And he's likely not the cleanest around. "It'll be alright," He promises Jacob, peering out now. He peers out to the east, mostly.

Kappedal reaches back up for Woods' sleeve, yanking the shorter man forward and down. Huzzah. "You okay?" He asks the Californian off the cuff, as he kneels down in the mud next to Vouza and unbuckles his kit. To the native, unsure if he's understood or not, he mutters, "Hold still, I'm going to try and stop this bleeding…" His jaw is tense as he looks the man over. "They did this to you?"

«Radio» <HQ radios> Acknowledged, Devil Dog Red. Help on the way.

«Radio» Yahzee radios, Ack. Devil Dog Red out, over.

Yahzee lifts from the radio, "They're sending help. Probably a jeep with stretchers."

Vouza nods to Woods. "Jacob." He winces as Kappedal goes to work. His throat is the worst of it, slashed right across. He licks his lips and murmurs, "Told them nothing."

Grayling sighs as Jenkins backs off. He's not blind. "Fucks sake, I'll remember this when you lot get it." he grunts unhappily, eying Jenkins with a baleful, long suffering look.

Jenkins looks over to the radio man, down at the bleeding man and back at the otherwise leaking man and sighs. "'S gonna be a long night." He mutters. A lopsided grin to Grayling. "Don't think I met you before." He replies cheerfully, his eyes say, I hope not at any rate. Good thing it's dark really.

Kappedal stops for a second. Vouza's assertion sent a bit of a chill into his gut, and /that/ isn't dysentery. Crap. "Are they far behind?"

Woods blinks, as he's yanked forward and down. Oh yeah. Woods smiles at Ben, grateful. Thank God one of them has good sense. "Thanks. Yeah, thanks. Jacob speaks pretty good english," Nodnod. A smile. He remembers the man's name. Although his smile fades, watching Ben set to work. He'll help as he can, keeping an eye out to the east from time to time.

Austin keeps silent for now, listening to the others as he looks out at the east.

Kappedal freezes, looking up as a flare goes off. That wasn't one of theirs.

Woods blinks. Hey wait… no, no one here shot that - uh oh. Woods turns now towards the east, peering out. "Think we should look north or south too?" He asks quietly.

Grayling glances over at the distant, dark shape of Woods. "I think the Navy is handling the north side." he points out with a slight smirk.

Jenkins watches the pretty light go off somewhere to the east, his grin fades a touch. "That'll be them looking for him." He asserts confidently. No comment on where they should look.

Kappedal also can't help a faint smirk at Gray's answer to Woods. Ocean that way, son. He looks back down at Vouza, working faster now on the man's wounds.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Machine Guns from Beach (12 13)!

«Ground Combat» Bullets fly through the air!

Yahzee speaks low, "East still clear. That's the shallows where the river meets the tide at the sand bar." He ducks as a spray of maching gun rounds fills the air.

Austin frowns as the bullets starts flying. "Here we go again…" he mutters, looking more carefully to the east.

Kappedal sucks in a sharp breath as bullets start flying, ducking his head.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (12 13)!

Shortly after the green flare streaks into the night sky from the eastern bank of the river, machineguns open up. The Americans can hear some voices and rustling to the east, but still can't really see much.

Yahzee snarls back out, "That's from the other side of the sand bar. Not in range. Can't see 'im." as he searches with the rifle's sights.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Machine Guns from Beach (12 13)!

«Ground Combat» Bullets fly through the air!

Grayling ducks back himself as bullets patter the ground. Fortunately not very well aimed bullets. "Tojo's coming!" he says, heart pounding, blood pulsing, amoebas fluttering.

Jenkins ducks as someone starts shooting at them. "Or maybe they wanted to attack us in the light." He mutters, raising his own gun. "Reckon we can get some artillery on them?" He shouts over to Yahzee, rather hopefully.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Machine Guns from Beach (12 13)!

«Ground Combat» Bullets fly through the air!

Woods pauses. "Oh right, I'm glad you're smarter than me," He flashes a grin at Grayling and all his flagellating amoebas. His grin disappears and Woods frowns as the bullets fly. Ack! Woods hunkers down, a bit wiser about not going barreling out there now. He keeps watch to the east, peeping out like a helmeted gopher from time to time.

«Radio» Yahzee radios, CQ HQ. CQ HQ. Devil Dog Red reporting. Under fire, over.

Vouza doesn't actually answer the 'far behind' part as the Japanese start opening fire. That kinda answers that. He just waits tensely.

Austin frowns again as the light burns out. "Here they come, probably," he offers.

«Radio» <HQ radios> Devil Dog, HQ. Acknowledged. Strength?

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Machine Guns from Beach (12 13)!

«Ground Combat» Bullets fly through the air!

Jenkins looks on as Yahzee gets on his radio. He focuses on the sandy bit, most of which he now can't see. "Damn those shoddy, Jap lights." He mutters as he goes for a nearby flare.

«Radio» Yahzee radios, Strength unknown, taking MG and small arms fire. Estimate enemy position on east side of Yali River, coords 12,13. No visual contact yet.

Kappedal remains where he is, crouched down by Vouza. The sound of bullets never fails to make his hands shake for a few seconds after the opening volley, but his focus is coming back.

Over the din of bullets, some shouting can be heard from the east bank in heavily-accented English. "You die soon!" one calls. Then soon after, another: "We drink madine blood!"

Yahzee speaks quickly into the radio headphones, reaching for a flare from his belt with his off hand.

Woods stays near the others in the trench. "Let me know if I can do anything," Woods whispers to him and Vouza. A look to Yahzee. Woods is a bit wiggly when nervous and fidgets. He rubs the back of head, "… hey guys, what's a madine?" He looks confused.

"Marine," Kappedal translates the accented english with a grunted breath.

Grayling laughs a bit at that. "Oh shit, I'm so scared I'm gonna…". Then he realises what he's saying and shuts up.

«Ground Combat» You notice Yoshi arrive at Beach.

«Ground Combat» You notice Kenji arrive at Beach.

«Ground Combat» You notice Aoi arrive at Beach.

«Game» Grayling changes his style to Banzai!

«Ground Combat» You notice Nobuo arrive at Beach.

Yahzee shoots the flare into the sky from his position at the radio. "Star light star bright, Nippers!"

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Garand at Yoshi but misses!

Jenkins was about to fire off his newly acquired flare but stays his hand, a good thing he's been keeping an eye on Yahzee really. The package gets tucked into his belt and he sits down to look for Japs under the new light, all in a days work. The rifle is raised.

«Game» Austin changes his style to Banzai!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Grayling shouts, "I SEE YOU, TOJO!".

«Game» Jenkins changes his style to Banzai!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Kenji but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Woods blinks, oh. "I see two at the beach so far!" He murmurs. A giggle at Grayling and his eyes go wide. oh NO. He doesn't want to be drunk. He moves to help Yahzee then, as his SMG is useless at range.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Machine Guns from Beach (12 13)!

«Ground Combat» Bullets fly through the air!

«Game» Woods assists Yahzee!

«Artillery» 90mm mortar artillery barrage rips through Beach to deadly effect, filling the air with lethal shrapnel!

«Artillery» 90mm mortar artillery barrage rips through Beach to deadly effect, filling the air with lethal shrapnel!

Austin shrugs a little bit as he looks out there. "Come here, you'll drink your own blood." Aiming for one of the Japs.

«Artillery» You hear artillery pounding Beach (10 13).

«Artillery» You hear artillery pounding Beach (10 13).

«Game» Kappedal changes his style to TakeCover!

«Ground Combat» Austin fires his Garand at Aoi but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Garand at Aoi and hits!

Aoi suffers 7 wound damage to his left hand.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Kenji but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Yahzee coughs, "Don't see'um yet." He pauses as a barrage from a mortar opens up. "Incoming! Guess it's HQ's response!"

«Ground Combat» You notice Shinobu arrive at Beach.

Woods does move quickly to help Vouza hunker down. "C'mon buddy," He smiles. His pal. Although it's apparent there's fear in his expression. "There's more coming!"

«Artillery» 90mm mortar artillery barrage batters Beach ineffectually.

«Artillery» 90mm mortar artillery barrage rips through Beach to deadly effect, filling the air with lethal shrapnel!

«Artillery» Artillery barrage at Beach has lifted!

«Artillery» You hear artillery pounding Beach (10 13).

«Artillery» You hear artillery pounding Beach (10 13).

Grayling doesn't bother taking cover, leaning out of the trench and popping rounds off at the oncoming hordes. He even manages to hit one. "I got one!".

«Game» Woods changes his style to TakeCover!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Shinobu but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Jenkins keeps popping shots out as well, though without much success.

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Garand at Nobuo but misses!

«Game» Woods assists Yahzee!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Austin frowns, "Is he down?" he comments in Grayling's direction, before he moves to fire again.

«Ground Combat» Yoshi moves West <W>.

«Ground Combat» You notice Yoshi arrive at Beach.

«Artillery» 90mm mortar artillery barrage rips through Beach to deadly effect, filling the air with lethal shrapnel!

«Artillery» Artillery barrage at Beach has lifted!

Yahzee shifts the radio mic with the headset to clear his view, opening up with the rifle.

«Artillery» You hear artillery pounding Beach (10 13).

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Kenji and hits!

Kenji suffers 5 wound damage to his left hand.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Shinobu but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Austin fires his Garand at Yoshi and hits!

Yoshi suffers 1 wound damage to his abdomen.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Game» Woods assists Kappedal!

Yahzee calls out, "Jap charging trench. Nother's east."

Austin fires at the closest enemy, nodding a little bit to himself.

Jenkins shouts. "I see one near!"

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Garand at Yoshi and hits!

Yoshi suffers 4 wound damage to his left leg.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Woods nods to the others, "Good shooting!" He murmurs and sets about to help steady rifles, moving dirt for sights and bustling about.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Yoshi but misses!

Amid all the madness, a jeep pulls up behind the American lines. As bullets fly overhead, Coastwatcher Clemens and a navy corpsman scramble into the trench to help Vouza. The native begins chattering in his native language to Clemens.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Yoshi but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Austin fires his Garand at Yoshi and hits!

Yoshi suffers 6 wound damage to his abdomen.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Yoshi has been mortally wounded!

Grayling blasts one as he gets near. "Havn't we got a BAR or something?". Rifles only? This is not the American Way!?

«Ground Combat» You notice Hiroshi arrive at Beach.

Yahzee keeps firing his rifle east.

«Ground Combat» You notice Ichiro arrive at Beach.

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Shinobu but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Machine Guns from Beach (12 13)!

«Ground Combat» Bullets fly through the air!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Hiroshi but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Garand at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Austin guns down Yoshi, then looks to the east again, "A crowd over there now…"

Grayling shoots that nob Nobuo. "Glad we're not attacking.".

«Ground Combat» Shinobu moves West <W>.

«Ground Combat» You notice Shinobu arrive at Beach.

Jenkins shrugs as he pops up a few more shots. "You'd think so." He fingers his two grenades and mutters a short… prayer? He must be feeling ill.

Woods looks relieved, his rampant, unmedicated ADD letting him notice Vouza get moved out. "Thanks!" He turns now, to deal death hopefully, to the attackers. He moves to help Yahzee fire now. A thumbsup at Grayling and Austin and Jenkins. Good shooting! Righto.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Shinobu and hits!

Shinobu suffers 5 wound damage to his left leg.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Shinobu and hits!

Shinobu suffers 4 wound damage to his abdomen.

Shinobu suffers 5 wound damage to his left arm.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Garand at Nobuo and hits!

Nobuo suffers 2 wound damage to its left leg.

«Ground Combat» Austin fires his Garand at Shinobu and hits!

Shinobu suffers 8 wound damage to his left arm.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Shinobu has been mortally wounded!

«Ground Combat» Nobuo snipes Jenkins with its Arisaka Type 38 but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach!

«Radio» Yahzee radios, Devil Dog Red to HQ. Contact with enemy. They're rushing the trenchline. Rifles, with MG covering fire from previous coords givven. Over.

«Ground Combat» Aoi moves West <W>.

«Ground Combat» You notice Aoi arrive at Beach.

Shinobu comes running wildly towards the Round-eye trenches and immediately ends up blown to ropy gobbets of flesh and blood, going THUD onto the muddy ground.

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Aoi but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Aoi and hits!

Aoi suffers 8 wound damage to his right leg.

«Radio» You can't send a radio message until the Armageddon Clock has ticked another 300 times.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Austin fires at the closest enemy again, nodding a little bit as he aims for the next closest one.

Grayling blasts Nobuo just as the Jap fires, and blasts one of his buddies. "I got him!".

«Ground Combat» Hiroshi fires his Arisaka Type 38 at Woods but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (11 13)!

Aoi runs in from the east, only to be promptly riddled with bullets.

«Ground Combat» Kenji moves West <W>.

«Ground Combat» You notice Kenji arrive at Beach.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Machine Guns from Beach (12 13)!

«Ground Combat» Bullets fly through the air!

«Ground Combat» Austin fires his Garand at Aoi but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Garand at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Yahzee speaks into the headset, then quickly aims his rifle to take more hurried shots.

«Ground Combat» Ichiro reloads his Arisaka Type 99!

Jenkins does his best to cripple any Japs who want to get near the trench, slowing their progress by shooting knee caps.

«Game» Aoi changes his style to TakeCover!

Ichiro charges forward bravely, only to realize his gun wasn't loaded. Doh!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Kenji and hits!

Kenji suffers 1 wound damage to his right leg.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Shinobu and hits!

Shinobu suffers 5 wound damage to his right arm.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Woods pauses, tearing into a Japanese soldier with his Reising. He nods at Grayling, "Good shots, man!" He calls back. Best to encourage, right? He's proud of the man and all his amoebas. And everyone in gneeral really. It's hard to disappoint Woods, who alternates helping others and popping out to take potshots with the Reising.

«Ground Combat» Woods tries to fire his Reising SMG at Aoi but his weapon is jammed!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Machine Guns from Beach (12 13)!

«Ground Combat» Bullets fly through the air!

Shinobu is dead, dag.

Aoi attempts to duck as he drags his bleeding form along the beach.

«Game» Kenji changes his style to Sprint!

«Ground Combat» Austin fires his Garand at Aoi but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Kenji runs charging for one of them trenches!

Yahzee speaks quickly. "Second Jap east."

«Ground Combat» Jenkins reloads his Garand!

… at least when it doesn't jam. "Christ, it's a slaughter. I'm surprised they aren't wearing little targets." Then a pause. "Maybe they ARE." When woods considers their flag…

«Ground Combat» Hiroshi fires his Arisaka Type 38 at Woods but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (11 13)!

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Garand at Nobuo and hits!

Nobuo suffers 1 wound damage to its head.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Jenkins had the presence of mind to count off his shots this time.

«Game» Kappedal tries to inspire the troops!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Hiroshi and hits!

Hiroshi suffers 4 wound damage to his right hand.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Kenji moves into Front Line Trench.

"Second? At least three of them there…" Austin remarks, moving to fire again.

Grayling pop pops at Nobuo, and sees a bullet strike earth right in front of his nose. That'll scare him a bit.

«Ground Combat» Austin fires his Garand at Aoi but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins moves to engage Kenji in close quarters combat, and succeeds!

Yahzee gives a short "Hrmph" to himself. "Two's all I can see. Never had Owl Eyes."

«Ground Combat» Nobuo moves West <W>.

«Ground Combat» You notice Nobuo arrive at Beach.

«Game» Woods unjams his Reising SMG!

«Game» Grayling changes his style to RapidFire!

Kenji makes it into a trench with a crash. Jenkins is on him immediatly and he's happy to start trying to stab the pale one.

Jenkins looks up from reloading and see's a jap, bayonet charge. He has a blood curdling scream to match.

«Ground Combat» Kenji attacks Jenkins in melee combat with his Arisaka Type 99 and hits! Jenkins suffers 6 wound damage to his right arm.

Nobuo makes it to the enemy. Zombie Jap! Braaaains.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Machine Guns from Beach (12 13)!

«Ground Combat» Bullets fly through the air!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins attacks Kenji in melee combat with his Garand but Kenji blocks it!

*ping* thats unfortunate, as Grayling finds a technical difficulty.

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Hiroshi but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Woods reloads his Reising SMG!

«Ground Combat» Grayling reloads his Garand!

«Game» Aoi changes his style to Sprint!

Yahzee fires his rifle east, not looking happy with the shot.

Woods sighs as he has to unjam and reload. Darned Reising.

Aoi breaks into a run. Or as much of a run as one can do on a shot-up leg.

Jenkins gets a giant cut across his arm for his trouble, which makes more fighting rather difficult.

«Ground Combat» Aoi moves into Front Line Trench.

«AngelOfDeath» Shinobu breathes his last…

«AngelOfDeath» Yoshi breathes his last…

Jenkins resolves to blow the trench to kingdom come instead. He shoulders the rifle on his good arm and lets the nade cook shile he dodges.

Yahzee shakes his head a twinge, trying to shoot the target further away. "Jap in trench!"

«Ground Combat» Yahzee tries to fire his M1941 Johnson at Hiroshi but his weapon is jammed!

«Game» Aoi changes his style to TakeCover!

Grayling is dimly aware of Aoi being pounced by a few burly men, who will soon make him regret charging up here no doubt. Unfortunately Aoi is not alone.

«Game» Kappedal assists Yahzee!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Mk2 Pineapple at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Mk2 Pineapple at Kenji but misses!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Mk2 Pineapple at Aoi but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Grenades from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Garand at Nobuo but misses!

Yahzee clicks the trigger. Clicks…Jammed.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Hiroshi fires his Arisaka Type 38 at Yahzee but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (11 13)!

«Game» Grayling unwields his Garand!

«Game» Grayling wields his Mk2 Pineapple!

«Game» Yahzee unwields his M1941 Johnson!

«Game» Woods changes his style to Banzai!

«Game» Aoi changes his style to Banzai!

«Game» Jenkins wields his Mk2 Pineapple!

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Ichiro but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Aoi in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

«Game» Yahzee wields his Mk2 Pineapple!

Jenkins has further grenade and isn't afraid to use it.

Yahzee drops his rifle, pulling out a grenade quickly from his belt.

Grayling stashes the rifle briefly, grabs one of the grenades on his belt. Then… his guts rumble. "Oh fuck, not now…" he gasps, as he fumbles with the pin.

Woods blinks. "EEK! I mean - RAH!" Woods is startled as Ichiro dives into their trench. He meets him with the Reising. "Oh-" Shit ninjas!

Nobuo jumps into the trench, screaming, and lifts his rifle, Yarrrr!

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Ichiro but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Aoi fires his Arisaka Type 99 at Grayling but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Machine Guns from Beach (12 13)!

«Ground Combat» Bullets fly through the air!

«Game» Woods unwields his Reising SMG!

«Game» Woods wields his Mk2 Pineapple!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Mk2 Pineapple at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Mk2 Pineapple at Kenji but misses!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Mk2 Pineapple at Aoi but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Grenades from Beach (10 13)!

Aoi fires one off at Grayling, in an attempt to distract him as he plays with his grenade.

«Game» Yahzee changes his style to Standard!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Aoi in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

Woods has a grenade! Woods pulls the pin!

«Game» Grayling changes his style to Banzai!

Jenkins wastes his last grenade and goes back to attempting to stab the Jap who's cut him up.

«Game» Jenkins wields his Garand!

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Mk2 Pineapple at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Mk2 Pineapple at Kenji but misses!

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Mk2 Pineapple at Aoi and hits!

Aoi suffers 7 wound damage to his right chest.

Aoi suffers 4 wound damage to his right hand.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Grenades from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Aoi has been mortally wounded!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Machine Guns from Beach (12 13)!

«Ground Combat» Bullets fly through the air!

Yahzee rises from his position of cover to aim a grenade toss towards the man in the trench with him.

«Ground Combat» Kappedal fires his M1911A1 at Ichiro and hits!

Ichiro suffers 5 wound damage to his right chest.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Pistols from Beach (10 13)!

Austin tries a few slashes at Aoi, frowning as he misses, then sees the enemy go down. "Good…" Going for the next one.

Grayling heaves off a grenade. Nice.

«Ground Combat» Hiroshi moves West <W>.

«Ground Combat» You notice Hiroshi arrive at Beach.

«Game» Grayling wields his Garand!

Aoi spins around with his bayonet to confront Austin…only to be met with shrapnel. Quite a lot of shrapnel. His chest is shredded into a bloody mess.

«Ground Combat» Austin moves to engage Nobuo in close quarters combat, and succeeds!

Jenkins winces as more flashes go off, no one got his jap, who is doing a damn good job of cutting him up.

Woods is about to pull the pin and thinks better of it, going wide-eyed as Kappedal blasts Ichiro. He stares in awe. "Good shot," Nod at Ben and time to go back to blasting the attackers.

Yahzee stops at the last minute, not pulling the pineapple's pin. "Good shot, Kap." as the navy medic fires the pistol.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins attacks Kenji in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

«Game» Yahzee unwields his Mk2 Pineapple!

«Game» Woods unwields his Mk2 Pineapple!

«Game» Woods wields his Reising SMG!

«Game» Yahzee wields his M1941 Johnson!

Nobuo stabs at Grayling, stab stab

Kappedal goes a bit wide-eyed as one of the Japs gets into the trench, panicking a bit. His pistol, a crappy little defensive thing, is lifted and fired at the Jap attacking Woods, going straight through the heart. BLood spatters his face.

Yahzee pockets the grenade, trying to ready his rifle again.

«Ground Combat» Woods tries to fire his Reising SMG at Hiroshi but his weapon is jammed!

Grayling grabs his gun, and tries to do Nobuo with the pointy end.

«Game» Kappedal assists Woods!

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand and hits! Nobuo suffers 1 wound damage to its left arm.

Austin sneaks over at Nobuo, frowning a bit as he sees the man attack Grayling. "Oh no you don't…" he mutters.

Jenkins somehow manges to lift his rifle to try and stab Kenji…

«Ground Combat» Jenkins attacks Kenji in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

Woods … STARES in horror as his Reising jams again. "I SWEAR this thing comes pre-jamed," He mutters. He looks grateful for the help.

Nobuo gets stabbed and keeps swinging.

«Game» Woods unjams his Reising SMG!

Jenkins isn't doing very well with his good hand bleeding like nobody's business.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins attacks Kenji in melee combat with his Garand but Kenji blocks it!

Grayling stabs! cloth tears, but not much flesh. And then, he grunts, as a terrible noise fills the air, followed by a terrible stench. Fortunately the indescribable horror of just what happened is kept, for now, from the others, as he still has his pants on.

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but Nobuo blocks it!

«Ground Combat» You notice Kaito arrive at Beach.

«Ground Combat» Woods tries to fire his Reising SMG at Hiroshi but his weapon is jammed!

Yahzee is trying to unjam the Johnson now. The Dutch-built rifle demonstrating its reliability.

«Game» Kappedal assists Woods!

«Game» Yahzee unjams his M1941 Johnson!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

Yahzee readies the rifle after clearing the jam. "Another east. I'll take im."

«Ground Combat» You notice Tsubasa arrive at Beach.

Yahzee adds, "Make that two Japs east."

Woods ahhahs and smiles as his weapon is unjammed. "Thanks Ben—" He turns to shoot and - again? He goes cross-eyed. "Wait, I see more coming." Pause. He unjams faster!

Grayling gasps and falls back against the muddy trench wall while trying to fend off a Jap. His mobility seems to have suffered a bit. A bayonet fight while moving as little as possible?

Nobuo is whirling, and stabbing, not hitting much, but, he's whirling.

Jenkins is has the bodies of a jap between him and Grayling thankfully, he fights on.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins attacks Kenji in melee combat with his Garand but Kenji blocks it!

«Game» Woods unjams his Reising SMG!

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Kaito but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Game» Hiroshi unwields his Arisaka Type 38!

«Game» Hiroshi wields his Type 2!

«Game» Kappedal assists Woods!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand and hits! Nobuo suffers 4 wound damage to its right chest.

Hiroshi charges forward toward the trench, pulling out a grenade!

«Ground Combat» Woods reloads his Reising SMG!

Yahzee fires a shot, but under the stress he's unable to hit. "Incoming!" as he spots the Japanese grenade held.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins attacks Kenji in melee combat with his Garand but Kenji blocks it!

Nobuo stabs Grayling, and gets stabbed by the other one, ack!

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Hiroshi but misses!

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Garand at Hiroshi and hits!

Hiroshi suffers 5 wound damage to his right arm.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Kaito but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Hiroshi takes a bullet in the arm, staggers, but lifts the grenade again.

Austin grins as his stab works, once more attacking the man.

Grayling hears this grenade word, and promptly fires over Nobuo's shoulder to send a bullet into the grenade-arm. Uber-Marine.

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Hiroshi and hits!

Hiroshi suffers 5 wound damage to his right hand.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins attacks Kenji in melee combat with his Garand and hits! Kenji suffers 6 wound damage to his left chest.

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

«Ground Combat» Tsubasa moves West <W>.

«Ground Combat» You notice Tsubasa arrive at Beach.

«Ground Combat» Kaito moves West <W>.

«Ground Combat» You notice Kaito arrive at Beach.

«Ground Combat» Hiroshi fires his Type 2 at Woods but misses!

«Ground Combat» Hiroshi fires his Type 2 at Yahzee but misses!

«Ground Combat» Hiroshi fires his Type 2 at Kappedal but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Grenades from Beach (10 13)!

Yahzee takes a deep breath, gulping down. "More comin in."

Tsubasa charges, BANZAI! All hopped up on opium, wooo!

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

Jenkins finally gets his act together and shoots the man who's made his arms into ribbons yet again. He brings a gun to a bayonet fight.

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Tsubasa but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Hiroshi throws his grenade but it goes long, sharpnel flying harmlessly. He snarls and lifts his rifle once more.

Nobuo stabs more, into Grayling, taste Japanese Steel!

Woods lives in a family of demolitionists. He knows DAMN well what a grenade can do. "HIT THE DECK!" He yells as Hiroshi fires the grenade and ducks for cover. "Jesus, so many!" He pops up oncem ore.

«Game» Hiroshi wields his Arisaka Type 38!

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Hiroshi but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

Grayling gasps as he's cut again, lots of little tiny slashes. He's fighting some midget anklebiter, trust his luck.


«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but Nobuo blocks it!

«Game» Yahzee changes his style to Standard!

«Ground Combat» Tsubasa moves into Front Line Trench.

Austin frowns as he misses, just as Grayling shouts. "Shut up, you're interrupting my aim," he remarks.

Woods blinks. "Hey ease up with the little insults," Woods pouts. He's probably about the same height or so as most of the Asian soldiers. He scowls, reloads and turns to deal more death.

«Ground Combat» Woods reloads his Reising SMG!

Tsubasa jumps into the trench, no dark devil with a katana this time! BANZAIII!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Kaito but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Jenkins narrowlu misses Grayling, he fires off another shot incase he gets lucky and turns to the Japs outside the trench.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Kaito but misses!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Grayling stabs! and is thrust aside. He spills past Nobuo, squelching noises following close behind. "Oh… shit…" he grunts. Yes.

«Game» Kappedal tries to inspire the troops!

Yahzee calls over to the bigger trench. "Toss a grenade, boys."

«Ground Combat» Woods tries to fire his Reising SMG at Hiroshi but his weapon is jammed!

«Ground Combat» Tsubasa moves to engage Austin in close quarters combat, but fails.

«Ground Combat» Hiroshi moves into Slit Trench.

«Game» Grayling changes his style to RapidFire!

«Game» Woods unwields his Reising SMG!

«Game» Woods wields his Mk2 Pineapple!

Nobuo stabs the Stinks Marine!

«Ground Combat» Kaito moves West <W>.

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

«Game» Grayling unwields his Garand!

«Game» Grayling wields his Mk2 Pineapple!

Yahzee blinks, "One's ran past, moving towards HQ!"

«Ground Combat» Tsubasa moves to engage Austin in close quarters combat, and succeeds!

Jenkins see's yet another Jap come into the trench, he raises his rifle to him and frowns as another Jap clears the trench altogether.

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but Nobuo blocks it!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee tries to fire his M1941 Johnson at Hiroshi but his weapon is jammed!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Tsubasa and hits!

Tsubasa suffers 5 wound damage to his left chest.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Tsubasa has been mortally wounded!

«Ground Combat» Kappedal fires his M1911A1 at Hiroshi and hits!

Hiroshi suffers 6 wound damage to his right chest.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Pistols from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Hiroshi has been mortally wounded!

Yahzee hears the jammed click again from his rifle.

Woods scowls as his Reising jams again. Then blinks as Kaito goes by, "I think he just went past our trench…?" Did he really? Woods has no time to observe the spectacle. He lifts a grenade and - blinks as Ben has truly become NINJEW, dealer of DEATH. "Holy crap."

«Game» Woods unwields his Mk2 Pineapple!

«Game» Woods wields his Reising SMG!

Austin keeps on attacking Nobuo, frowning a bit.

«Game» Grayling unwields his Mk2 Pineapple!

«Game» Grayling wields his KA-BAR!

Hiroshi moves towards Ben, and gets shot in the chest. He dies, messily.

Tsubasa takes one hit and goes down! "Ahhhhh!"

Jenkins looks back towards the airfield then to the trench full of dead Japs. "You lot hold the fort. I'm going after him." With that he goes off to commit suicide.

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand and hits! Nobuo suffers 6 wound damage to its right arm.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins moves out of Front Line Trench.

Kappedal has a violently shaking had as Hiroshi charges him, pistol brought up in a rather unskilled sort of way with both hands and trigger pulled. Blam, through the chest again. Jew: 2.

Grayling pulls out the proverbial Big Knife from where it hangs over his stained pants. Extra disease factor here alright.

Nobuo gets a nasty wound to his arm, and yells, still stabbing, Zombie Jap!

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his KA-BAR but Nobuo blocks it!

«Game» Woods unjams his Reising SMG!

Yahzee calls to Jenkins. "I've spotted him. Let me pick'im off! No japs in my trench, they're in yers."

Austin frowns as Nobuo keeps going after that stab to the arm. Moving to take the man out now.

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

Yahzee huffs out his breath, his rifle still jammed. "Ran on, lost'im. He's moving west towards supply dump."

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

Jenkins is already haring off after the Jap. "Shoot if you will, but I aint letting him run past."

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his KA-BAR but misses!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins moves West <W>.

Nobuo stabs more! More stinky Marine on his blade!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but Nobuo blocks it!

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

Austin misses Nobuo once more, moving closer to the enemy now.

«AngelOfDeath» Tsubasa breathes his last…

«Radio» Yahzee radios, Devil Dog Red to HQ. One Nip heading your way along beach. One with rifle, now at coords 8,13. Moving west.

Grayling is something of a zombie marine. He's not exactly fighting his best at the moment. Not quite got all his attention on his foe.

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his KA-BAR and hits! Nobuo suffers 6 wound damage to its left hand.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

Kappedal is covered in blood from two different Japanese men that managed to eat pistol lead in unfortunately vital areas. Trying to stay focus, he's shaking like a leaf as he grabs his kit, scuttling to some Marine crying out in pain.

Woods is quietly cheering for Grayling, as his Reising just serves as background noise.

«Game» Kappedal tries to inspire the troops!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but Nobuo blocks it!

Yahzee speaks into the headset's mic quickly, then looks around to spot where any signs of fighting are still going on.

«Ground Combat» Woods reloads his Reising SMG!

Nobuo gets his hand skewered, rar!

Grayling inserts his knife into Nobuo's hand. And then twists, like his drill sergeant used to demand! Nobuo's hand bursts into a red mass of tendon and muscle. /thats/ how its done.

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his KA-BAR but misses!

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

Yahzee frowns, still trying to work free the jam of his rifle.

«Game» Kappedal assists Yahzee!

«Game» Yahzee unjams his M1941 Johnson!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but Nobuo blocks it!

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

Yahzee offers "Got it, thanks." to Kappedal. A nod towards the lone Jap still visible engaged.

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his KA-BAR but misses!

«Ground Combat» Woods tries to fire his Reising SMG at Nobuo but his weapon is jammed!

Austin frowns as Nobuo keeps on attacking, and even more as the Jap manages to block his attempts. Moving closer now…

Woods looks pained. "I swear someone stuffed this thing with tissue paper…" Mutter.

«Ground Combat» Yahzee tries to fire his M1941 Johnson at Nobuo but his weapon is jammed!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but Nobuo blocks it!

Grayling is in a knife fight with a martial arts master. "Uh, some help over here guys???".

«Game» Kappedal tries to inspire the troops!

Yahzee lets out a growl. "Damnit Jammed again!"

«Game» Woods unwields his Reising SMG!

«Game» Woods wields his KA-BAR!

«Game» Kappedal assists Yahzee!

Nobuo fights on through the jamming guns and misses, Rar!

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his KA-BAR but misses!

Woods scowls. "Reising's not worth the damned trouble." Woods grabs his KA-BAR and bolts to help Grayling.

Grayling stabs Nobuo's ninja shadow.

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

Kappedal is scuttling from wounded to wounded that he can reach in this muddy trench, calling words of encouragement to the downed men. He reaches Yahzee and tries to help the Not Negro with his jammed gun. "I got it…"

«Game» Kappedal assists Yahzee!

«Game» Yahzee unjams his M1941 Johnson!

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his KA-BAR and hits! Nobuo suffers 1 wound damage to its right hand.

Nobuo gets cut more, after some point he just stopped caring, STAB!

Yahzee gets the jam free with Kappedal's help, lifting the rifle to target the lone enemy in the trench.

«Ground Combat» Woods moves into Front Line Trench.

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his KA-BAR but Nobuo blocks it!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but Nobuo blocks it!

Yahzee coughs, "Ammo. Blast." as his clip clicks empty. He reache to grab a new one.

«Ground Combat» Woods moves to engage Nobuo in close quarters combat, and succeeds!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee reloads his M1941 Johnson!

Yahzee snaps the new clip in, then lifts the rifle to aim it towards Nobuo.

«Ground Combat» Grayling attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his KA-BAR but Nobuo blocks it!

«Ground Combat» Woods attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his KA-BAR but misses!

«Ground Combat» Austin attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his Garand but misses!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Nobuo but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Woods jumps into the fray, although it's apparent while Woods is swift, he is not that /strong/.

Nobuo slices! HA! Ninja Master!

«Ground Combat» You notice Jenkins arrive at Beach.

Grayling arghs, takes a wild swing, tags Nobuo's outstretched grasping fascistic hand. The horror of what happened earlier, the Event, isn't disguised by his pants anymore after all this twirling and fighting. "OW FUCK!". He watches with detached awe as Nobuo messes up his hand.

Yahzee calls to Kappedal. "Man got hit, Kap. Switch to the main trench."

«Ground Combat» Woods attacks Nobuo in melee combat with his KA-BAR and hits! Nobuo suffers 6 wound damage to its right chest.

Kappedal does not draw his gun again, the pistol staying in his trembling left hand as the others shoot and stab. He looks at Yahzee and nods quickly, headed for the other side of the trench.

Austin frowns as he misses Nobuo now, moving for the enemy again. Grimacing at the smells, but then Woods takes out the enemy. "Good work," he mutters, taking a few steps back.

Woods attacks like a rabid gopher. GO FOR THE KNEES WOODS GO FOR THE KNEES. Woods mercifully ends it, having to stand on his tippy toes to stab at the Japanese man. Fortunately, he's clever enough to come from behind and ends the fight.

Nobuo gets stabbed in the heart by Woods, and blinks, muttering something then falls onto Woods, Dead. DEAD dead.

Yahzee spins around, trying to get a look back east now. The neglected source of rifle-wielding Orientals. "That MG's still out there."

«Game» Kappedal changes his style to Sprint!

«Ground Combat» Kappedal moves into Front Line Trench.

Grayling falls back, hand throbbing, as Nobuo finally, finally dies! "Get me out of here." he moans from the stained floor of the trench. "I can't take any more.". He grunts and another foul torrent adds to the already noisome trench. The US is in breach of the bioweapons convention here.

Jenkins dashs back to the trench. Just in time to see the demon of a fighter he left get a hole added to his chest, by… Woods. He eases himself into the blood soaked trench, looking rather grim.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins moves into Front Line Trench.

«Game» Kappedal changes his style to TakeCover!

«Game» Yahzee changes his style to Stealth!

Kappedal shuffles into the bigger area of the trench. His uniform's splattered with blood, as is his face, some of it Marine and some of it Japanese. Grabbing gauze out from his bag, he moves quickly. "Call out if you're wounded!"

Woods blinks. "Over here," He waves to Kappedal. A smile at Austin's compliment. Although he winces at the ick being added. He doesn't comment on it, "You

«Artillery» 90mm mortar artillery barrage rips through Beach to deadly effect, filling the air with lethal shrapnel!

«Artillery» You hear artillery pounding Beach (10 13).


Yahzee growls low. "That's Jap arty. Can't be ours." as he tries to keep close to vegetation for at least some minimal cover and concealment.

Jenkins looks down at himself, and by extention the trench, he blanches. "Yeah, me." He adds quietly, probably too quietly to be noticed over the din of mortars.

«Artillery» 90mm mortar artillery barrage batters Beach ineffectually.

«Artillery» You hear artillery pounding Beach (10 13).

"You'll be alright, promise." He nods at Grayling. At least Woods is well mannered enough not to comment. He tries not to breathe too deeply though. Woods slinks back to his own trench, eyes wide at the yelling. And a nod at Jenkins. He is slinking though!

«Ground Combat» Woods moves into Slit Trench.

«Artillery» 90mm mortar artillery barrage rips through Beach to deadly effect, filling the air with lethal shrapnel!

«Game» Austin changes his style to TakeCover!

«Artillery» You hear artillery pounding Beach (10 13).

«Game» Jenkins changes his style to TakeCover!


Yahzee turns to call over to Jenkins, "Did you get the Jap who ran past?"

«Artillery» 90mm mortar artillery barrage batters Beach ineffectually.

«Artillery» Artillery barrage at Beach has lifted!

Yahzee adjusts his headset, ready to radio in a new report.

«Artillery» You hear artillery pounding Beach (10 13).

«Game» Woods unwields his KA-BAR!

Kappedal jerks his head back down at the sound of arty pounding the beach now. He gets Jenkin's hand to stop bleeding like a stuck pig and moves on quickly to his arm.

«Game» Woods wields his Reising SMG!

«Artillery» 90mm mortar artillery barrage batters Beach ineffectually.

«Artillery» You hear artillery pounding Beach (10 13).

From Beach, Nobuo twitches.

Jenkins looks up and shouts. "The crazy bastard ran onto my bayonet." A nod to Kappedal. "Apreciated Benji"

«Artillery» 90mm mortar artillery barrage batters Beach ineffectually.

«Artillery» Artillery barrage at Beach has lifted!

«Artillery» You hear artillery pounding Beach (10 13).

Grayling turns Nobuo over with his boot so he's face down. Suffer, Jap.

From Beach, Facedown in WHAT, we won't ask. Not near Amoeba Lover.

«Radio» <Devil Dog Red radios> Devil Dog Red to HQ. CQ. Reporting no further enemy contact. Under barrage shelling from unknown coordinates.

From Beach, Nobuo has his face down in Graylings waste. glub.

«Game» Woods unjams his Reising SMG!

From Beach, Grayling shouts, "SIR! SIR! PERMISSION TO RETIRE, SIR!".

Austin starts making his way in the direction of the other trench, away from the stench now. Reloading as he moves.

«Ground Combat» Austin reloads his Garand!

«Ground Combat» Woods reloads his Reising SMG!

«Ground Combat» Grayling reloads his Garand!

Jenkins tries not to look at the floor, having to tred in the stuff is bad enough. A look out east and he quickly lights a smoke, which almost masks the stench of death, fear and ameobas.

Kappedal doesn't have the luxury of avoiding stench. He does hold his breath as he can, grimacing as little as possible as he grabs for Grayling's wounded hand. "Hold /still/."

Yahzee draws in a deep breath. "Everyone make it?" as he looks around, more noticeably to the front line trench. The young man's sweating heavily, adrenaline still rushed.

Grayling is delirious or something, or just in a very bad mood. He fumbles with his rifle even as Kappedal tries to treat him.

Woods makes it back to Yahzee, "So far. Couple wounded. Think I should learn to use the BAR?" He looks to the taller man for guidance, it seems. While asking, he sits to unjam his Reising. "This damn thing… I swear it comes prejammed," Grumble.


"More or less," Austin replies to Yahzee, as he glances back towards Grayling.

Kappedal can do very little for the man's shredded hand. The yelling is starting to grate badly on the young man's nerves and he grits his teeth hard enough to chip his onw enamel. "He's not going to be too good in another engagement," he calls to Yahzee.

Yahzee grunts low over to Woods. "The Browning?" and squints to him. "Maybe. Big gun to carry, though. Different 'n that." motioning towards the smaller fellow's SMG. "Want me to call in a jeep with stretchers, Corpsman?"

Jenkins looks down again, choking back some of his own 'fear'. He nods to the chorus and takes a deep nicotine and tar laced breath, getting sniped is better than that smell any day.

Kappedal nods to Yahzee. "Jenkins should head to back lines too, soon as they come."

Grayling shouts, "AAHAHHHHHH OH FUCK!".

Grayling's injuries seem to have alerted the amoeba that it's time to flee.

Yahzee nods to affirm Kappedal's signal, and reaches for the headset to turn it around again, speaking into the mic.

«Game» Woods assists Yahzee!

Kappedal must be shaken or something. He can't seem to do shit for Grayling's wild bleeding. He can, however, smell shit, and he looks like he might have to take a break to throw up soon.

«Radio» Yahzee radios, HQ CQ. Devil Dog Red requesting stretcher team. Situation clear for moment, about three WIA, one serious.

Jenkins uses his left hand. "He nods to that, surprisingly the bloodloss is bothering him this time, despite the short run. "I think I'll try to walk it." He says, looking in Grayling's direction. "This stuff looks worse than it is, didn't affect my aim none." Lies lies.

«Radio» <HQ radios> Devil Dog, HQ. Message received. Jeeps on the way.

Woods nods to Yahzee, "We'll see." He goes quiet and helps adjust as needed. Although, Woods reaches into his pocket for a tiny vial to sniff. Ah, mom's essential oil bug repellant. Good ole cloves. Now it's poo and cloves, but a good distraction. He tucks it away after a moment, turning east to watch again, and looking to Kappedal. "Need help?" Woods offers. Oh naive Woods…

Grayling grunts piteously and clings to Kappedal, who looks ready to leave or something. "Don't leave me now man! It's bad, it's really bad!". He's got plenty wrong with him alright.

Yahzee reaches to rest a hand on Woods' shoulder after calling in the medevac request. "Jeeps on its way." over to the Naval medic, then more quietly to Woods. "Stick here with me, bud. Need two to hold this trench."

Kappedal nods to Woods. His skin, normally pale anyway, is kind of greenish-looking at the moment. "Yeah, just…hand me those bandages." His arm jerks as Gray clings to him. "Man, calm down! It's okay, we're getting you out of here. Promise."

Quaid is muttering curses as he crashes through the jungle, eventually hopping down into the trench. Nose twitches. "The fuck's that smell?" he mutters. "What are our orders?" he says, looking around.

Woods reeeeeeeeeaches to hand over bandages, although he stops as Yahzee reaches over and sets a hand on his shoulder, he nods. "Sure thing." Poor Woods is on his tippy toes. Better hope he doesn't fall over… A big grin seeing Quaid. "DOM!" He pauses at the smell comment. "Um." Well, there's no not-awkward answer with Grayling right there.

Yahzee nods slowly to Woods, then speaks up hearing Quad. "Happens when you bayonet a Nip through the belly."

Jenkins takes another look around. "Hold the trenches. Myself I think we could just let the Japs clean up." He's preparing to leave and is armed with cigarettes. "I'm out of here, not fit to fight." A smirk at that, though both arms are hanging limply by his side now, which makes smoking something of a chore.

Austin frowns a little as he listens, keeping silent for now.

Grayling paws at Kappedal with his good hand. "Oh shit. Oh Jesus H Christ. What has God done dammit! I never realised life could get this low.". He turns to eye Nobuo. Somehow, a corpse makes him feel a little better, counterintuitively. It could be worse, and Nobuo had it worse alright.

«Ground Combat» Kappedal reloads his M1911A1!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins reloads his Garand!

Quaid peers above the trenchline in the darkness. "Which way they coming from?" He brings his carbine up, squinting.

Woods looks to the north as he's leaning precariously to hand bandages. Woods squeaks in fear and falls backwards into the trench, flailing. "I see Tojo!" He points to the north, "Didn't you guys say the Navy had that?! They're coming from the ocean! Aquatic ninjas!" Aaaaagh!

Kappedal does what he can on Grayling's head, which is more than his shaking hands could manage on the man's chest or hand. He sits back on his heels in the mud, pulling his blood-spattered pistol from its holster and reloading the thing, his hand smearing the blood on the grip. His head snaps up as Woods shouts.

Grayling gasps when Kappedal starts playing with bullets. "I can make it Doc, I just need a stretcher!". He struggles to try and stand up to prove the point.

Aoi bobs in the ocean, rifle just above the water, swimming towards the shore.

Masaru doggie-paddles.

Yahzee is still shaken, spinning to point his rifle east when he hears Quad's question. As Woods speaks up, he blinks and blinks again. "The ocean"?

Woods points frantically. "YES!"

«Ground Combat» Aoi moves South <S>.

«Ground Combat» You notice Aoi arrive at Beach.

Yahzee turns quickly. "Three Japs swimming, sneaking onto beach!"

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Aoi and hits!

Aoi suffers 6 wound damage to his right chest.

Aoi suffers 3 wound damage to his abdomen.

Aoi suffers 6 wound damage to his left chest.

Aoi suffers 3 wound damage to his right arm.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Aoi has been mortally wounded!

Kappedal grabs Grayling's arm. "Get down. Shoot that w-…" Nevermind.

Jenkins looks up and sighs, the smoke goes to the floor, where it puts itlsef out, he raises his rifle with weary hands… and, lowers it again.

Aoi makes it to the beach only to be riddled, and I do say riddled, with bullets. A splishy thud.

Yahzee adds, "One Jap has a sword!" trying to shoot rifle bullets into the group advancing.

«Game» Masaru unwields his Katana!

"See two others," Quaid mutters. "Looks like one's got a sword… A fuckin SWORD!"

«Ground Combat» Ichiro moves South <S>.

«Ground Combat» You notice Ichiro arrive at Beach.

«Game» Masaru wields his Arisaka Type 38!

«Ground Combat» Quaid fires his M1 Carbine at Ichiro but misses!

Woods flails. "There's one now!" Flail- shoot! Instinct kicks in and Woods kind of stares. "Um." Well okay then. The Reising surprises even him sometimes. Yikes!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Ichiro but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Ichiro but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Masaru moves South <S>.

«Ground Combat» You notice Masaru arrive at Beach.

Jenkins raises the gun again.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Masaru but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Quaid fires off a shot, but it goes wide.

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Masaru and hits!

Masaru suffers 5 wound damage to his right arm.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

«Game» Ichiro changes his style to Banzai!

"Who's watching the flanks?" Quaid says.

«Game» Quaid changes his style to Banzai!

Jenkins shoots the guy with the big sword, praying, again, that they don't make it to the trenches.

«Game» Masaru changes his style to Sprint!

Ichiro charges forward with a rar! Trying to make it into one of the trenches.

«Ground Combat» Quaid fires his M1 Carbine at Ichiro and hits!

Ichiro suffers 7 wound damage to his left chest.

Woods pings another Japanese soldier, his faith in the sea shattered. They came from the SEA! Woods stares in horror and lifts his Reising again.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Ichiro has been mortally wounded!

«Ground Combat» Woods reloads his Reising SMG!

Yahzee smiles over to Woods, "Good hit, little brother." without really thinking of his words. He tries to fire a round from his own rifle.

«Game» Kappedal tries to inspire the troops!

Grayling isnt' really watching anything, he's leaning against the trench wall, groaning wretchedly.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Masaru but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Masaru but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Ichiro does not make it very far, however. He is shot and faceplants on the sand.

Masaru is still charging for one of the trenches!

«Ground Combat» Austin fires his Garand at Masaru but misses!

«Ground Combat» Masaru moves into Front Line Trench.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Quaid manages to hit one. "Who's watching the flanks?" he says again. "Fuck, I'll do it!"

Woods smiles at Yahzee. Little brother? Daw! Woods looks touched for a second. "Thanks," He nods and turns to deal with another. "Charging with a sword looks cool, but-" But it doesn't seem to work well.

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Masaru and hits!

Hits hard cover.

Masaru suffers 7 wound damage to his left arm.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Quaid fires his M1 Carbine at Masaru and hits!

Masaru suffers 7 wound damage to his left leg.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Austin fires off a shot at Masaru, frowning as the man dives into the trench. "Hello there," he remarks, grimly.

Jenkins is fumbling with his gun, but luckily he's got a handy trench wall to lay the gun on, which isn't useful twhen Masaru gets close, then stops, he shoots anyway.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Masaru but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Masaru is promptly peppered with gunfire. Still….going…

«Ground Combat» Woods fires his Reising SMG at Masaru but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Submachine Guns from Beach (10 13)!

Yahzee calls over, "He's in your trench! Engage."

«Ground Combat» Yahzee fires his M1941 Johnson at Masaru but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Better late than never, two jeeps pull up at the rear with some stretchers and medics.

«Game» Masaru unwields his Arisaka Type 38!

«Game» Masaru wields his Katana!

«Ground Combat» Quaid fires his M1 Carbine at Masaru and hits!

Masaru suffers 3 wound damage to his left hand.

«Ground Combat» Woods tries to fire his Reising SMG at Masaru but his weapon is jammed!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Game» Yahzee assists Woods!

Jenkins isn't going to engage the man with the big sword, he stumbles away, shooting.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Masaru but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

Grayling gasps as he sees a guy with a frickin' katana in his trench.

Yahzee tries to help his trenchmate unjam the SMG.

and missing.

«Ground Combat» Grayling fires his Garand at Masaru but misses!

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Austin moves to engage Masaru in close quarters combat, and succeeds!

"Fuck this," Quaid mutters, scooching away from Masaru. "He's got a fucking sword! Is he insane?"

Masaru drops his gun and draws his katana from its shealth, charging the first person he sees in the trench. He's BLEEDING EVERYWHERE.

Woods looks grateful to Yahzee, as he tries to unjam his weapon. How does that katana man keep going?

«Ground Combat» Quaid fires his M1 Carbine at Masaru and hits!

Masaru suffers 6 wound damage to his right leg.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Game» Yahzee assists Woods!

Austin heads for Masaru now, frowning a bit as he looks to the man.

«Ground Combat» Masaru attacks Austin in melee combat with his Katana but misses!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins fires his Garand at Masaru but misses!

Grayling fires one handed with the Garand, which is about as effective as one might expect. "Oh fuck shit, it's not over yet!".

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Game» Woods unjams his Reising SMG!

Yahzee gives Woods some more help, then steadies his rifle to aim it.

Jenkins goes down on one knee to get a better aim, he splashes.

«Ground Combat» Quaid fires his M1 Carbine at Masaru and hits!

Masaru suffers 7 wound damage to his right arm.

«Ground Combat» You hear the sound of Rifles from Beach (10 13)!

«Ground Combat» Masaru has been mortally wounded!

Masaru gets in one swipe with the big blade and then finally his arm's just about ripped off at the shoulder. He falls.

Yahzee speaks low, "Think he's down." as Quaid's carbine deals its shot.

Woods looks grateful, he really does. He pauses. "Whoa, Dom." Quaid really tore into Katana guy. That M1 of his! He's wide-eyed. "Think so too," He nods at Yahzee.

«Ground Combat» Woods reloads his Reising SMG!

Kappedal can see the Jap, but he doesn't re-draw his pistol. His hands stay clamped down on someone's injury, his jaw

Grayling flops, sword-psycho is no more. He assumes a beatific look. "Get me outta here…" he murmurs to any within range.

Yahzee mutters low. "They must've had a boat and landed on the beach."

Jenkins leans against the wall to lever himself up onto his feet again as the Jap goes down. A nod to Quaid and shout to Woods trench. "Good call you guys." Now what was on his knee again? This time he really is sick.

Quaid fires off another shot. He drops to a knee and pats his pockets, fumbling for a fresh magazine. He peers east. "Don't see anyone that way. Now, why's it smell like shit again?"

Austin prepares to go for the Jap now, ducking down, as the man goes down. After the enemy's fallen, he looks to that sword, moving to study it a bit.

«Game» Austin loots the body of Masaru

It bears noting that there was no boat in sight, just three Japanese soldiers swimming in the ocean.

«Ground Combat» Quaid reloads his M1 Carbine!

«Ground Combat» Jenkins reloads his Garand!

Woods shakes his head at Quaid. "A lot of reasons. Just be sure to wash yourself as much as you can after." Woods is sage enough to listen to nurses it seems. "I didn't see any boat. I just saw guys swimming," Woods admits. He takes a deep breath and reloads his Reising. "Maybe someone should take that Katana to somewhere safe. I hate leaving pointy things in the trench."

The grotesque stains from ass to boot on the back of Grayling's pants are fortunately mostly invisible in the darkness, confounding Quaid's curiosity. And besides, he slumps onto his back, while waiting to be hurried away. At least he's gone quiet now.

Yahzee nods to Woods, still scanning the darkness with his rifle.

The medics come for Grayling. "Dear god what is that stench??" one of them mutters.

Quaid makes a face. He shakes a cigarette out of a pack and tears it in half, shoving one half up each nostril. "Still don't see anything from the east."

Yahzee shakes his head, "Don't see more out there." and turns to look east once more.

Jenkins wipes his mouth as he stumbles out of the trench, he's not staying in there any longer. The medics have come for Grayling and he'll be damned if he doesn;t walk to wher ehe needs to be. "Good luck." He mutters as he stumbles in the general direction of doctors.

«Ground Combat» Jenkins moves out of Front Line Trench.

Grayling reaches for the medics with a stained hand, like a dying man reaching for the angels about to take him to the Pearly Gates. "There is a god!" he cries.

Kappedal is busy assisting with the wounded, and remarkbly unchatty tonight, keeping his eyes down on what he's doing rather than look around too much.

Woods tries not to laugh at Quaid and the cigarettes stuffed up his nose. "Are you a walrus?" He asks with a grin. He winces though, the stench carrying a bit. He's unsure of whether to be sympathetic for Grayling or worried. "See you!" He smiles at the dysenteric man. yeah, there's a good compromise. A look to Yahzee. He settles in then, to keep watch.

Yahzee calls over to Grayling. "That's not God, that's the Sergeant Major!" and grins. Trying to reassure, he offers a thumb-up.

Jenkins escapes a jeep ride with Grayling. He's off into the jungle on his own, it could be desserting but Ben told him to go to the aid station.

Grayling grunts, "Nothing quite so much like god on earth as a general on a battlefield…" in reply to Yahzee, and gives a weak thumbs up as the medics drag his ravaged body off where he can stink up the first aid station rather than the front.

Austin keeps silent for now, frowning as he looks out there still. Humming something under his breath.

"Hey, smell of tobacco's better than the smell of shit," Quaid grunts. "Why were the Japs in the ocean? Pretty ballsy to try to swim at us."

Woods smiles, and waves to Grayling. "See you," He doesn't seem to mind the stink guy so much. Not too bad when not screaming and flailing or pooing himself. Woods doesn't seem too eager to leave the slightly cleaner trench though. He grins at Quaid. "Not sure. Probably trying to be sneaky."

Yahzee relaxes back as the surroundings quiet, the jeep taking away wounded on stretchers. "Whew." and kicks back. "Somethin' to write home about."

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